Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Space-Time Continuum

       In physics, space-time is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum. Space-time is usually interpreted with space as existing in three dimensions and time playing the role of a fourth dimension that is of a different sort from the spatial dimensions.

Space-time can be present in three ways:
  • as a dimension,
  • as a fabric,
  • or as a woven energy.

       In the theory that space-time is present in the form of a dimension, space-time can be accessed through wormholes. This theory has no evidence, as wormholes are not known to exist. But wormholes are thought to exist in black holes or places beyond our observable universe.

       If space-time were to exist as a fabric, it would surround the universe, allowing us to travel through it, like a bullet through a loaf of bread. With this theory, traveling back in time would be impossible. If time was finite, then space-time would be able to be sliced like a loaf of bread; showing each individual moment on each slice.

       Space-time woven into physical space creates gravity, but otherwise, makes little to no sense. Gravity, in this theory is created by space-time warping around celestial objects. This is why atoms' time tends to slow down when it gets close to a large object or enters an area where gravity is strong.

       All three of these theories for space-time are equally as plausible, for we have no evidence for any of them.

       Or is time all simultaneously occurring?

       I hope one day to find that out.

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